Become a Co-Biome™ Certified Clinician

To support healthcare professionals in using gastrointestinal and whole gut microbiome analysis in clinical practice, Co-Biome™ offers free training to qualified healthcare professionals.
Team having a meeting

Whats involved in becoming a Co-Biome™ Clinician?

01 Register for access by completing the registration form

02 Receive access to refer patients for Co-Biome™ testing solutions and exclusive clinician-only content.

03 Be supported by a qualified clinical application specialist to help interpret patient profiles and guide clinical decision making.

Why choose Co-Biome™?
Clinical utility

Co-Biome is for clinicians and leverages the expertise from a team of clinicians, researchers and scientists. Combining deep gut microbiome science with clinical experience transforms how clinicians can manage patient health.

Scientific thought leadership

Co-Biome use the latest technology to uncover more than ever before to guide clinicians with a more complete picture, incorporating insights into particular species, microbial diversity, functional potential of microbial metabolites and gut function and environment.

Data-driven approach

Co-Biome leverages insights from Microba's microbiome research to guide health insights related to the microbiome and guide future health discoveries, including understanding the role of commensal and pathobiont microbial species and pathogenic strains in the gastrointestinal tract.

co-biome employee
Connect with Co-Biome™

With microbiome research rapidly evolving and advancing our understanding of the gut microbiome, clinical questions often arise. The Co-Biome™ team of clinical application specialists are here to help. Have a question, need clinical support or want to discuss patient results? Book a call with a Co-Biome™ clinical application specialist today.

Practitioner FAQ
How do I become a Co-Biome Clinician?
What are the benefits of becoming a Co-Biome Certified Clinician?
What is the Co-Biome MetaXplore testing process?
Is report interpretation coaching available?